19 February 2018
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 2018
Sonia Losada-Barreiroa, Andrzej Sienkiewiczb, Carlos Bravo-Díaza
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*Corresponding authors
aDepartanento de Química Física, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Determining the association constants of radicals to biomimetic systems is not a simple task because of the inherent experimental difficulties associated to their “in‐situ” generation together with their high chemical instability, requiring the use of radical trapping agents in combination with, for example, magnetic (eg, EPR) and/or time‐resolved techniques (eg, frequency comb spectroscopy) to indentify and quantify them. Here, we have exploited the unique electrochemical properties of arenediazonium ions, ArN2+, to estimate the association constant of the electrochemically generated aryl radicals derived from benzenediazonium ions, BD, with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles. When ArN2+ are reduced on an Hg electrode, they acquire an electron yielding the corresponding arenediazenyl radical, ArN2•, which undergoes further decomposition to produce the aryl radical, Ar•. BD partitions between the aqueous and micellar pseudophases, and, upon increasing [SDS], peak currents decrease and the peak potentials are shifted. Results indicate that the association constant of the aryl radical to SDS micelles is 3 times higher than that of the parent substrate as a consequence of its higher hydrophobicity compared with that of the parent molecule. The method is feasible because of the large number of arenediazonium ions that can be prepared and because it does not depend on the reactivity of the electrochemically generated radical.