Quantitative determination of alpha-tocopherol distribution in a tributyrin/Brij 30/water model food emulsion

23 December 2007

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 320, pp. 1 - 8.

Sonia Losada-Barreiroa, Verónica Sánchez-Paza, María José Pastoriza-Gallegoa, Carlos Bravo-Díaz*a, Laurence S. Romstedb, K Gunaseelanb

Autor affilations:

*Corresponding authors
aDpt. Química Física, Facultad de Química, Universidad de Vigo, Vigo-Pontevedra, Spain
bDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, United States
E-mail: cbravo@uvigo.es


Until recently, determining the distribution of antioxidants, AOs, between the oil, interfacial and aqueous regions of opaque emulsions has not worked well because the concentrations of AOs in interfacial regions cannot be determined separately from their concentrations in the oil and water phases. However, our novel kinetic method based on the reaction between an arenediazonium ion and vitamin E, or alpha-tocopherol, provides the first good estimates for the two partition constants that describe alpha-tocopherol distribution between the oil/interfacial and water/interfacial regions of tributyrin/Brij 30/water emulsions without physical isolation of any phase. The reaction is monitored by a new derivatization method based on trapping unreacted arenediazonium ion as an azo dye and confirmed by linear sweep voltammetry, LSV. The results by both derivatization and LSV methods are in good agreement and show that alpha-tocopherol distributes strongly in favor of the interfacial region when the oil is tributyrin, e.g., ca. 90% when the surfactant volume fraction is Phi I=0.01. The second-order rate constant for reaction in the interfacial region is also obtained from the results. Our kinetic method provides a robust approach for determining antioxidant distributions in emulsions and should help develop a quantitative interpretation of antioxidant efficiency in emulsions.