We present EmulCicloFood, a project focused on the study of computational and experimental strategies for the rational design of emulsions, from conventional to Pickering, for food applications

EmulCicloFood proposes a novel bioinspired approach from a multidisciplinary but inclusive point of view, to address some of these problems by combining the use of food-grade stabilizers, natural AOs and encapsulation technologies. [...]

Control of antioxidant efficiency of chlorogenates in emulsions: modulation of antioxidant interfacial concentrations. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Background Controlling the interfacial concentrations of antioxidants (AOs) in O/W emulsions can be regarded as an unique approach for increasing the efficiency of AOs in inhibiting the oxidation of lipids. Classical methods to determine the AO distribution in binary systems cannot be employed and their distribution needs to be assessed in the intact emulsion [...]

The location of amphiphobic antioxidants in micellar systems: the diving-swan analogy

05 December 2018 Food Chemistry. 1 - 279, pp. 288 - 293. 2018 Sonia Losada-Barreiroc, Amaia Lopez de Arbinaa,b, Marcos Caroli Rezendea, Matias Vidala, Carolina Aliagaa,b* Autor affilations: *Corresponding authors aFacultad de Química y Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Av. B.O’Higgins 3363, Santiago, Chile bCentro para el Desarrollo de la Nanociencia y la Nanotecnología, CEDENNA, Read more about The location of amphiphobic antioxidants in micellar systems: the diving-swan analogy[...] [...]

Differential partitioning of lipophilic bioantioxidants in edible oil-water and octanol-water

Partition coefficients, PWO, of antioxidants (AOs) between edible oils and water are scarce in the literature, despite that AOs are widely used to control lipid oxidation and the oxidative stress in cells. PWO values have a great importance to predict the efficiency and distribution of bioactives at different levels of biological organization from binary oil–water systems to living cells [...]

Enhancement of the antioxidant efficiency of gallic acid derivatives in intact fish oil-in-water emulsions throught optimization of their interfacial concentrations

The antioxidant (AO) efficiencies and the distributions of gallic acid (GA) and a series of alkyl gallates (propyl, PG, butyl, BG, octyl, OG and lauryl, LG) were determined in intact fish oil-in-water emulsions. The efficiency of the AOs in inhibiting the oxidation of the fish oil lipids increases upon increasing AO hydrophobicity up to a maximum (∼3-fold) at the octyl derivative, after which the efficiency decreases (LG) [...]

Modulating the interfacial concentration of gallates to improve the oxidative stability of fish oil-in-water emulsions

The distributions of some gallates were determined in intact fish oil emulsions. % gallates at the interface increases upon increasing surfactant volume fraction ΦI. On the contrary, their interfacial concentrations decrease upon increasing ΦI. Their efficiencies correlate directly with the gallate interfacial concentrations. Butyl and octyl gallates were the most suitable to protect the fish emulsions. [...]

Partitioning of aryl radicals in micellar systems

19 February 2018 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 2018 Sonia Losada-Barreiroa, Andrzej Sienkiewiczb, Carlos Bravo-Díaza Autor affilations: *Corresponding authors aDepartanento de Química Física, Universidad de Vigo, Spain Determining the association constants of radicals to biomimetic systems is not a simple task because of the inherent experimental difficulties associated to their “in‐situ” generation together with their high Read more about Partitioning of aryl radicals in micellar systems[...] [...]

Toxicity of phenolipids: Protocatechuic acid alkyl esters trigger disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase activation in macrophages.

Phenolipids are a class of phenolic compounds with a lipidic moiety that have been receiving increasing attention due to their promising biological activities; however data regarding their toxicity and mechanism of action are scarce. A series of 11 phenolipids consisting of alkyl esters derivatives of the natural molecule protocatechuic acid was synthesized and evaluated against a panel of cancer and non-cancer cell lines [...]