Kinetic evidence for the formation of diazo ethers in the course of reactions between arenediazonium ions and antioxidants

The reactions between arenediazonium ions, ArN2+, and phenolic antioxidants, AOs, are of interest because ArN2+ are involved in carcinogenic and mutagenic processes in contrast to phenolic AOs, that have biological activity and potential beneficial effects on health, and because an ArN2+ is currently being employed as a chemical probe to assess the distribution of AOs in lipid-based food emulsions [...]

kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between 3-methylbenzenediazonium ions and catechol

We have investigated the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between 3-methylbenzenediazonium, 3MBD, ions and catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene, [CAT]) in aqueous buffer solution under acidic conditions by employing spectrometric UV/VIS. The variation of the observed rate constant, kobs, with the acidity at a given [CAT] follows an upward curve [...]

Kinetic and Mechanism of the reaction between 4-hexadecylbenzenediazonium ions and vitamin C in emulsions: Further evidence of the formation of diazo ether intermediates in the course of the reaction

The kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between hydrophobic 4-hexadecylarenediazonium ions, 16-ArNmath image and vitamin C, VC, in a model emulsion prepared by mixing octane, acidic (HCl) water and the non-ionic surfactant hexaethyleneglycol monododecyl ether, C12E6, were investigated [...]

Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction between an Arenediazonium Ion and Methyl Gallate (=Methyl 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoate) in Aqueous Solution: Evidence for Diazo Ether Formation through an O-Coupling Reaction

We have investigated the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between 3-methylbenzenediazonium ions (3MBD) and methyl gallate (=methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate; MG), in aqueous buffer solution by employing spectrophotometric (UV/VIS) and electrochemical (linear-sweep voltammetry, LSV) techniques [...]